Monday, 20 May 2013

Slice The Pie Guide.

 If you are new to IM and need a reliable source of seed money to begin your IM adventure, then start here:


This is a site that brings together musicians and bands with the general public. The process is very simple. Musicians and bands pay members of the public to post reviews of their songs. SliceThePie act as a middleman and pay you for each honest review you give. The better your review the more you can get paid. It ranges from $0.05 to $0.20 per review and it’s a very quick process!

Internet Marketing requires money. Domain and Hosting is the most basic of costs that you will need to cover to try most methods here. You may not have enough money, or maybe you don't even have a debit/credit card to load your money online. SliceThePie gives out payment via PayPal on a timely manner, which in turn is accepted by many Domain/Hosting companies.

You're ready to begin! First I will explain how to get started posting, then I will continue with experience-given tips.

Create Your Account.
At the top, click "Sign Up".
Note: Use an easy-to-remember email address & username and provide your date of birth (note this down as you will need this for payment).
Once you have filled out your email, name, password etc you will be asked a series of questions relating to your music tastes and so forth, try to choose as many music genres as possible so you have a wide array of music to review once your account is up.
Now you are logged in and ready to review and earn!
Review, review and review some more!
Basically you will be given a song to listen to for at least 90 seconds which you will then have to write a review for and rate once the 90 seconds are up, the song will continue to play however so you can spend more than 90 seconds writing the review. Once you have submitted your review and rating it will calculate how much you will get paid for that review and it can vary from $0.05 up to $0.20 depending on how good and detailed the review is.
So therefore you want to write a good review so you can earn the most per review and really cash in!
So that is basically it, you post reviews on what you hear and get paid. Here is what I’ve managed to earn in a few weeks:


These are made every Tuesday and Friday and you have to have a minimum balance of $10. Simple and easy, all the payments are made via paypal.

To earn the maximum per review your review has to be good and worth it. The reviews have to be meaningful and actually aid the artist. Here are some tips to earn the maximum per post:
1. Review as you listen – you can type as soon as the song starts, so this means you can comment as the song goes along and go into detail about any particular points.
2. You can focus on the introduction, vocal melody and lyrics.
3. Also write about the instrument arrangement – the rhythm, the instrument variety and balance and if there were any digital effects.
4. Also be descriptive and use a wide array of words. Below you will find a list of suitable words and phrases.
5. Finally comment on the overall qualities of the song – the structure, commercial potential, performance quality and production and recording quality.

For melodies
Positive - tuneful, interesting, shapely (or well-shaped), strong, melodious, memorable, original,
Negative - plain, shapeless, tuneless, boring, too simple, overly complex, and unoriginal

For vocals
Positive: - distinctive, rich, warm, expressive, feeling, strong, attractive, appealing, confident, conviction, heartfelt, clear, stylish, impressive, pitch range, dynamic, edgy, raw, powerful
Negative: - thin, weak, inconsistent, out of tune, pitch problems, expressionless, bland, and self-conscious

For lyrics
Positive - original, amusing, thought-provoking, inspiring, heart-warming, punchy, meaningful, clever, deep,
Negative - plain, uninspiring, weak, pretentious, cheesy, corny, cringe worthy, obscure, confusing, predictable, repetitive, offensive

For instrumental accompaniments
Positive: balanced, varied, full, rich, rhythmic, engaging, compelling, competent, smooth, accomplished, imaginative, creative, solid, original, exciting, powerful, driving, atmospheric, ethereal,
Negative: Weak, plain, safe, uninspired, lacking conviction, poor balance, untogether, over-sentimental, unvaried, lacking contrast. strident, harsh

For artists
Positive: talented, imaginative, professional, creative, accomplished, competent, skilful, careful, experienced, natural
Negative: unimaginative, predictable, careless, unprofessional, untogether, dated, awkward

Sample Reviews: (note: do not use these as your own, you will get banned)

Example 1 - A glowing review - 9/10
This is a great song and performance. The melody is strong and tuneful. The singer has an attractive vocal tone, and puts real feeling into the lyrics. The lyrics are interesting and meaningful with some punchy phrases. Instrumentally, the song has a rich, full accompaniment that complements the vocal track perfectly. Great guitar solo too, although I think a grittier tone would suit the dark mood of the song better.
The performance quality is high throughout, both vocally and instrumentally. Overall, the song is distinctive and original, and I think it has strong commercial potential.

Example 2 - A good song badly arranged - 6/10
I think this song has some good musical qualities but needs a better musical arrangement. The singer has a distinctive and attractive vocal tone, but is often drowned out by the powerful instrumental accompaniment. The synth tones are far too harsh and strident. The singer should be allowed to dominate the song without having to compete with the accompaniment. The lyrics seem quite interesting, but can't always be heard clearly because of the poor vocal-instrumental balance. It's quite a tuneful song, though, and could be easily improved with a more tasteful instrumental arrangement.

Example 3 - A negative review- 3/10
This song has some problems. The intro is too long, and doesn't really develop or build up enough to justify such a long intro. The singer has some pitch accuracy issues (that's a diplomatic way of saying "out of tune"). The melody is weak, and the lyrics are quite plain and repetitive. The instrumental arrangement is reasonably good in terms of balance, and it provides a solid enough accompaniment, but it needs to be a bit more varied and interesting, and definitely more expressive for greater impact. Overall, I think the song doesn't have enough quality in its present state.

Some final general musical terms:
Accompaniment, acoustic, alto, arpeggio, arrangement, atonal, bass, backing, backbeat, beat, BPM, brass, bridge, chords, chorus, chromatic, classic, classical, coda, composition, counterpoint, development, drumming, dynamics, fills, flow, harmony, harmonise (harmonize), harmonics, hook, instrument, instrumental, improvisation, intro, key, lead, lyrics, melody, metre (meter), modal, modulate, offbeat, percussion, phrase, phrasing, piano, pitch, range, refrain, register, rhythm, scale, sequence, shuffle, singer, snare, solo, soprano, syncopation, synth, tempo, tenor, tonal, tone (timbre), tremolo, triplets, tune, tuning, vamp, verse, vibrato, vocal, voicing

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